Traditional meters present both the users and utilities providers with various challenges in developing countries. For instance utility providers must get access to their users’ premises to be able to read these meters or check fraudulent connections. Users on the other hand have to wait for months or more before […]
Category Archives : B.E IN NS2 SIMULATION
The introduction of bring your own device (BYOD) policy in the corporate world creates benefits for companies as well as job satisfaction for the employee. However, it also creates challenges in terms ofsecurity as new vulnerabilities arise. In particular, these challenges include space isolation, data confidentiality, and policy compliance as well […]
Remote mobile screen (RMS): An approach for secure BYOD environments
In the field of automation, reliability is a key aspect to enable resilient systems. Especially, in areas with extreme conditions a reliable monitoring is necessary such as factory, volcano, or laboratory monitoring. These are environments where devices could be stressed uncommonly high and thus more devices could fail in a […]
PSP-Auto: A DHT-based data storage and retrieval system for automation
With the expansion and enhancement of the power transmission network, short-circuit current (SCC) has become a major concern in grid operations. While transmission switching is one effective solution to reduce the SCC without investing in additional equipment, switching lines could threaten system N-1security. To find an efficient, and secure, yet economic […]
Optimal Transmission Switching With Short-Circuit Current Limitation Constraints
Industrial control and automation systems are evolving towards infrastructures more connected. Its component’s interconnection makes them more dependent on the networks and communication protocols used. On the one hand, high performance, low costs and real-time capabilities are generally required to cope with more and more demanding application requirements; while on the other […]
New lift safety architecture to meet PESSRAL requirements
With the emergence of online platforms for (social) sharing, collaboration and backing up, mobile users generate ever-increasing amounts of digital data, such as documents, photos and videos, which they upload while on the go. Cellular Internet connectivity (e.g., 3G/4G) enables mobile users to upload their data but drains the battery […]
Efficient and Transparent Wi-Fi Offloading for HTTP(S) POSTs
This track started with the first Cloud Computing session in WETICE2009 with the observation that the cloud computing evolution depends on research efforts from the infrastructure providers creating next generation hardware that is service friendly, service developers that embed business service intelligence in the network to create distributed business workflow execution, assure […]
CDCGM 2015 Track Report: Convergence of Distributed Clouds, Grids and their Management
Because of the broadcasting nature of wireless communications, passive eavesdropping is a well-known security loophole. Generally there are two basic ideas to deal with the eavesdropper at physical layer: friendly jamming and channel state information dependent encoding. Based on the channel quantized physical-layer network coding (CQ-PNC), we propose a secured CQ-PNC scheme to combine […]
Secure TWRC system based on channel quantized PNC
The 41 European electricity transmission system operators (TSOs) from 34 countries across Europe are gathered under the umbrella of the European Network Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) cooperative association to support security of supply, sustainability, and the development of a European internal energy market. Together they provide transmission service to 534 million citizens. […]
The Mesh-Up: ENTSO-E and European TSO Cooperation in Operations, Planning, and R&D
Credit and debit card data theft is one of the earliest forms of cybercrime. Still, it is one of the most common nowadays. Attackers often aim at stealing such customer data by targeting the Point of Sale (for short, PoS) system, i.e. the point at which a retailer first acquires […]