Ns2 programs are generated in Tcl programs.
Basics of Tcl programs:
- Initialization and termination aspects of network simulator
- Define the network nodes, links, queues, and topology as well
- Define the agents and their applications
- Generation of NAM (Network Animator)
- Tracing
- This is the sample code for how to create a header file for multimedia application and define header class.
//multimedia header structure Struct hdr_mm{ int ack; int seq; int nbytes; double time; int scale; //packet header access functions static int offset_; inline statuc int& offset() {return offset_;} inline static hdr_mm* access (const Packet* p) { returen (hdr_mm*) p access(offset_); } }; \\ Multimedia Header class static class MultimediaHeaderClass : public PacketHeaderClass { public: MultimediaHeaderClass() : PacketHeaderClass(“PacketHeader/Multimedia”, sizeof(hdr_mm)) { Bind_offset(&hdr_mm::offset_); } }class_mmhdr;
Journal Support for NS2 Projects: