The same antenna, designed to exploit its far-field properties for communication purposes, can be suitably configured for simultaneously realizing wireless power transfer via its near-field properties. In this paper we analyze the near-field behavior of a pair of closely coupled transmitting and receiving dual-band printed monopole antennas, suitable for cell […]
Category Archives : B.TECH IN NS2 SIMULATION
Cloud storage services such as Amazon S3, Drop Box, Google Drive and Microsoft One Drive have become increasingly popular. However, users may be reluctant to completely trust a cloud service. Current proposals in the literature to protect the confidentiality, integrity and consistency of data stored in the cloud all have […]
Caelus: Verifying the Consistency of Cloud Services with Battery-Powered Devices
Generalised Feistel network (GFN) is a popular design for block ciphers and hash functions. The round function of the network often chooses a substitution–permutation (SP) transformation (consists of a subkey XOR, an S-boxes layer and a linear layer). In 2011, Bogdanov and Shibutani provided another choice to build round functions, namely the double SP-functions, […]
Known-key distinguishers on 15-round 4-branch type-2 generalised Feistel networks with single substitution–permutation functions and near-collision attacks on its hashing modes
Today, vehicles have been an essential part of our daily life. Existing vehicle security systems rely primarily on lock devices, alarm systems or fingerprints as forms of protection. A non-intrusive driver authentication mechanism could be incorporated into existing vehicle security system to offer a greater degree of multilevel protection. In this paper, we propose […]
A new non-intrusive authentication method based on dynamics of driver’s upper body joint angles
The relationships within criminal groups are of qualitatively different kinds, and are typically not symmetric because of issues of power and influence. Social network analysis techniques have not been able to model this richness of relationships well. We develop a new technique for spectral embedding of directed graphs, and combine it with […]
Analysis of criminal social networks with typed and directed edges
Private query is a kind of cryptographic protocols to protect both users’ privacies in their communication. For instance, Alice wants to buy one item from Bob’s database. The aim of private query is to ensure that Alice can get only one item from Bob, and simultaneously, Bob cannot know which […]
Postprocessing of the Oblivious Key in Quantum Private Query
Data exchange plays an important role in public healthcare. Having timely access to right data can allow detection of the spread of a disease, assess effectiveness of government schemes, etc. In order to improve policies and provide awareness, various government healthcare schemes are run which generate a huge amount of […]
A pub/sub based architecture to support public healthcare data exchange
How can we find useful patterns and anomalies in large scale real-world data with multiple attributes? For example, network intrusion logs, with (source-ip, target-ip, port-number, timestamp)? Tensors are suitable for modeling these multi-dimensional data, and widely used for the analysis of social networks, web data, network traffic, and in many other settings. However, current tensor […]
HaTen2: Billion-scale tensor decompositions
Today, one can find from the web vast amount of information about an individual. Specifically, such information can be classified into two categories, virtual and real-world identities. This paper addresses a novel problem of linking these two types of identities based on information publicly available on the web. We start […]
Linking virtual and real-world identities
This demonstration presents a new and innovative open platform whose goal is to enable secure mobile applications. Secure Elements (SE) are hosted in dedicated servers, whose protocol (RACS) is detailed by an IETF draft. They are remotely used from mobiles via secure TLS channels. These channels are booted from TLS […]