Ad Hoc Network is a decentralized type of network where wireless devices are allowed to discover each other and communicate in peer to peer fashion without involving central access points. In most ad hoc networks, nodes compete for access to shared wireless medium, often resulting in collision (interference). IEEE 802.11, a well-known standard, uses medium […]
Category Archives : M.E IN NS2 SIMULATION
Participatory sensing is a crowd-sourcing technique for exploring interesting aspects of the world ranging from personal to community. Recently participatory sensing has attracted considerable attention of research community with a number of open issues and challenges. Motivating people to participate in sensing the phenomena around and report those to dedicated […]
Incentive model design for participatory sensing: Technologies and challenges
Aiding paralyzed people through using technology to transmit signals from brain to paralized part of a body has been a matter of great interest in recent times. Classical approaches in this regard still experience several limitations and sometimes become hazardous to living bodies. Besides, existing literature points out that there […]
Q-Nerve: Propagating signal of a damaged nerve using quantum networking
The rapid improvement in smartphone technology has produced many medical applications [1]. Cellular phones now offer several advantages over desktop or laptop computers in tele-monitoring applications like individual’s fitness, instant diagnosing and systems for monitoring an individual’s medical conditions. Heart rate is one of the most important vital signs of […]
Non-invasive heart rate measuring smartphone applications using on-board cameras: A short survey
This chapter addresses aspects of roadside unit (RSU)-assisted message authentication, in which resource-rich RSUs assist nearby vehicles to authenticate the messages they received. It proposes an RSU aided message authentication scheme, termed RAISE. In RAISE, each vehicle first anonymously authenticates itself to an RSU when approaching it within its transmission […]
RSU-Aided Message Authentication
This chapter explores ways to use fast symmetric cryptography to protect vehicular communications, but without direct involvement of RSUs. It focuses on the timed efficient stream loss-tolerant authentication (TESLA) authentication protocol, which is commonly used in securing broadcast and multicast communication. In addition, since only a short message authentication code […]
TESLA-based Broadcast Authentication
Cloud storage services have become increasingly popular. Because of the importance of privacy, many cloud storage encryption schemes have been proposed to protect data from those who do not have access. All such schemes assumed that cloud storage providers are safe and cannot be hacked; however, in practice, some authorities […]
Audit-Free Cloud Storage via Deniable Attribute-based Encryption
The secrecy rate maximization with the artificial noise (AN) aided beamforming for the multipel-input-single-output (MISO) wiretap channel is addressed in this paper under the constraint of secrecy outage probability. The channel state information (CSI) of the main channel is assumed to be perfectly known while the CSI of the eavesdropper […]
Secrecy Rate Maximization With Artificial-Noise-Aided Beamforming for MISO Wiretap Channels Under Secrecy Outage Constraint
In this letter, we propose a new differential spatial modulation (DSM) scheme for two transmit antennas. The proposed scheme employs the same architecture as the existing block-based DSM scheme, but with a new cyclic signal constellation. We also provide the asymptotic decoding performance analysis for the proposed DSM scheme, based […]
Differential Full Diversity Spatial Modulation and Its Performance Analysis With Two Transmit Antennas
Without limitation on the number of mates, Z-periodic complementary sequence (ZPCS) sets, which have potential applications in multi-carriers CDMA communication systems and MIMO channel estimation, can support more users than conventional complementary sequence sets. In this paper, a generic construction of ZPCS sets is proposed based on perfect sequences and […]