The evolving applications of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT), such as smart cities, often need sustainable data collection networks. We envision the deployment of heterogeneous sensornetworks that will allow dynamic self-reorganization of data collection topology, thus coping with unpredictable network dynamics and node addition/ deletion for changing application needs. However, the self-reorganization must also assure network energy […]
Spectrum sensing is an important issue in cognitive radio networks. But due to noise and shadowing effects, the sensing results of sensors may be erroneous. This will degrade the performance of the decision making process. To solve this problem, some sensors may cooperate with each other to decide about the channel status. Cooperative sensing will […]
A Reliable Spectrum Sensing Method in the Presence of Malicious Sensors in Distributed Cognitive Radio Network
We present a novel smart transmission technique with seamless handoff mechanism to achieve ubiquitous connectivity using multiple on-chip radios targeting remote health monitoring applications. For the first time to the best of our knowledge, a system architecture for low-power ubiquitously connected multiparametric remote health monitoring system is proposed in this […]
System Architecture for Low-Power Ubiquitously Connected Remote Health Monitoring Applications With Smart Transmission Mechanism
Auditory biofeedback systems in the field of sports are increasingly adopted to provide an online guidance to the people performing actions. This paper concentrates on swimming and on producing auditory feedback intended to enhance the perception of the interaction between a swimmer’s body and the surrounding water masses while swimming. […]
Swimmers in the loop: Sensing moving water masses for an auditory biofeedback system
Piezoelectric energy harvesters generate electrical power from ambient mechanical vibrations, making these vibrations a viable energy source for powering wireless sensor and identifier nodes. In order to harvest an appreciable amount of power, piezoelectric devices are typically inserted into high-Q mechanical resonant structures that significantly limit their harvesting bandwidth. Recently, active dynamic energy […]
Resonant inverter design for stand-alone dynamic active piezoelectric energy harvesting
Machine-to-machine (M2M) communication plays an important role in various kinds of intelligentnetworks. In this study, a hybrid cooperation scheme for data collection in hierarchical smart buildingnetworks (SBN) is proposed under the framework of M2M communications. The hierarchical networkstructure means that the data collection process is carried out via multi-layer communications. In the […]
Hybrid cooperation for machine-to-machine data collection in hierarchical smart building networks
We present the first results of a nationwide experiment that uses 5GHz fixed wireless network as a rain alarm system through monitoring the changes in received signal levels. This paper proposes an alternative framework and correlation approach for rain sensing, which rely mainly on the attenuation from broadband wireless systems. Unique to this system is […]
Nationwide 5GHz-fixed wireless network for prototype rain alarm system
In this paper, the problem of connectivity assessment for an underwater random sensor network is investigated. The weighted vertex connectivity is introduced as a metric to evaluate the connectivity of the weighted expected graph of a random sensor network where the elements of the weight matrix represent the operational probability of their corresponding communication links. The […]
Connectivity measures for random directed graphs with applications to underwater sensor networks
This paper describes a size and tissue absorption based comprehensive approach to optimize a pair of coils for the purpose of wireless powering of brain implanted sensors. In the first step, the optimum transmission frequency is determined by considering tolerable coil size, power transmission efficiency and tissue absorption effects. After modeling the important […]
Efficient inductive powering of brain implanted sensors
This paper proposes feature extraction methods for object classification with passive acoustic sensornetworks deployed in suburban environments. We analyzed the emitted acoustic signals of three object classes: 1) guns (muzzle blast); 2) vehicles (running piston engine); and 3) pedestrians (several footsteps). Based on the conducted analysis, methods are developed to extract the […]