What is SPIN Protocol?Concepts involved in SPIN Protocol projects?
SPIN referred as Sensor Protocols for Information via Negotiation.It is used for distributing information efficient in a constrained Wireless Sensor Network.Nodes in SPIN Protocol is usually referred as meta-data for high level data descriptors.This is helpful in eliminating redundant data in a network.
Types of messages used in spin protocol:
- ADY.
- REQ.
Concepts involved in spin routing protocol:
- To realize traffic reduction for information dissemination.
- Gossiping and ideal protocol for energy and bandwidth consumption.
- For ensure the elimination of redundant data and transfer of useful information takes place.
- For flat routing.
Architecture of spin routing:
Sample NS2 Code for spin routing protocol:
This code has enough information of what are the process are involved in sending and receiving messages in spin routing protocol.
void RCAgent::sendmsg(int data_size, const char* meta_data, int mac_dst, int link_dst) { Packet *p = allocpkt(); hdr_cmn *hdr = HDR_CMN(p); hdr->size() = data_size; hdr_rca *rca_hdr = HDR_RCA(p); rca_hdr->msg_type() = packetMsg_; rca_hdr->set_meta(meta_data); rca_hdr->rca_mac_dst() = mac_dst; rca_hdr->rca_link_dst() = link_dst; rca_hdr->rca_src() = mac->addr(); //printf("Sending: Type=%d data_size=%d\n\tMeta = %s\n\tSource=%x\n\tTarget = %x\n",rca_hdr->msg_type(), hdr->size(), rca_hdr->meta(),rca_hdr->rca_src(),rca_hdr->rca_mac_dst()); //printf("\tTime = %f\n",Scheduler::instance().clock()); //printf("\tLink_dst = %x\n",rca_hdr->rca_link_dst()); //Packet::PrintRcHeader(p,"RCAgent"); Scheduler::instance().schedule(ll, p, 0); return; } void RCAgent::recv(Packet* p, Handler*) { hdr_cmn *hdr = HDR_CMN(p); hdr_rca *rca_hdr = HDR_RCA(p); //printf("Receiving: Link_dst = %x, Type=%d data_size=%d\n\tMeta = %s, source = %d\n",rca_hdr->rca_link_dst(),rca_hdr->msg_type(), hdr->size(), rca_hdr->meta(),rca_hdr->rca_src()); packetMsg_ = rca_hdr->msg_type(); if (app_) app_->recv(rca_hdr->rca_link_dst(), hdr->size(), rca_hdr->meta(), rca_hdr->rca_src()); /* * didn't expect packet (or we're a null agent?) */ Packet::free(p); }
Journal Support for NS2 Projects: (SPIN NS2)