Vertical Handover Simulation NS2

What is Vertical Handover?Implementing Vertical Handover Projects using NS2?

In Vertical handover , to maintain effective communication in a network automatic fall over take place from one technology to other technology.Vertical handover refers to a network node changing the type of connectivity.We assist research scholars in implementing Vertical Handover Simulation using NS2.


Reasons for vertical handover Vs horizontal handover:

  • Usage of multiple IP address.
  • Usage of multiple network interfaces.
  • Usage of multiple network connections.
  • Usage of different access technologies.
  • Usage of multiple QoS parameters.


Major features of vertical handover:

Vertical handover technically has the following three features.

  • Resource management.
  • Mobility engineering.
  • Service management.

Architecture of vertical handover:



Sample code for vertical handover simunaltion ns2;


bind("ssmult_", &ssmult_);
 	bind("bval_", &bval_);
 	bind("ca_", &ca_);
	bind("ho_", &ho_); //AG
 	bind_bool("printStatus_", &printStatus_);
 	bind_bool("conservative_", &conservative_);
 	bind_bool("ecn_", &ecn_);
 			return TCL_OK;
		if (strcmp(argv[1],"ho")==0) { //AG
                        return TCL_OK;
   	if ((argc == 3) && (SndrType_ == 1)) {
 		// or do we need an FTP type app? 
				decrease_rate ();		
	printf("%5.2f %d\n", now, seqno_ - nck->seqno);
 	if (printStatus_) {
 		printf("time: %5.2f rate: %5.2f\n", now, rate_);
 		double packetrate = rate_ * rtt_ / size_;
	double mult = (now-last_change_)/rtt_ ;
 	if (mult > 2) mult = 2 ;
	rate_ = rate_ + (size_/rtt_)*mult ;
	double maximumrate = (maxrate_>size_/rtt_)?maxrate_:size_/rtt_ ;
	maximumrate = (maximumrate>rcvrate)?rcvrate:maximumrate;
	rate_ = (rate_ > maximumrate)?maximumrate:rate_ ;
	if (ho_) {//AG
                rate_= rcvrate;
                rate_ = (rate_ > maxrate_)?maxrate_:rate_ ;
                printf("tfrc:cc ho_ %d\n", conservative_);
        else {	
		rate_ = rate_ + (size_/rtt_)*mult ;
		double maximumrate = (maxrate_>size_/rtt_)?maxrate_:size_/rtt_ ;
		maximumrate = (maximumrate>rcvrate)?rcvrate:maximumrate;
		rate_ = (rate_ > maximumrate)?maximumrate:rate_ ;
         rate_change_ = CONG_AVOID;  
         last_change_ = now;

Journal Support for NS2 Projects:(Vertical Handover Simulation NS2)
